10 simple steps to make your building more accessible

  1. Are there any designated parking spaces for disabled motorists and are these clearly signposted?
  2. Ensure the entrance to the premises is accessible by providing a level threshold.
  3. Are the entrance doors and internal circulation doors wide enough for wheelchair access?
  4. Does the building have an accessible toilet and if so, does it meet current standards in terms of size, layout, facilities and colour contrast?
  5. Consider acoustics and whether a hearing loop should be installed.
  6. Ensure there is a good colour contrast between doors, switches and walls, and for any obstructions such as columns.
  7. Is the signage in a readable sized font with good colour contrast from the background?
  8. Install suitable fire alarms including strobes for those with hearing impairments.
  9. Sign up your facility manager to the A4A & CAECourse www.access.gg/access-training/
  10. Check out compliance with the latest Guernsey Technical Standard M ‘Access to and use of buildings’ www.gov.gg/CHttpHandler.ashx?id=75185&p=0

The information in this leaflet was provided by Access for All


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