Guernsey Mind’s vision is of a society that has a positive attitude towards mental wellbeing and where the community embraces respect for all. It campaigns locally to improve services, raise awareness and encourage understanding.

  1. Focus on getting enough sleep, exercising, eating well and meeting friends and family.
  2. Practice some self-compassion – be assertive, do little things that make you happy often, ask for help.
  3. Get involved with the ‘Team Talk’ campaign which aims to promote positive mental health in sport.
  4. Follow Guernsey Mind on social media; comment and share on Facebook and comment, retweet on Twitter @GuernseyMind.
  5. Join one of our Community groups such as the Hope Singers and ‘Walk and Talk.’

At work:

  1. Sign our Charter and make a commitment to working towards becoming a Mindful Employer.
  2. Introduce a mental health and wellbeing policy.
  3. Encourage training for managers in how to manage mental health in the workplace, have conversations around mental health and support employees to stay in work.
  4. Provide mental health awareness training for staff so everyone can identify the signs of poor mental health and know where to get help and support.
  5. Train Mental Health First Aiders at work, so you have people on your team trained to spot the signs and symptoms of mental ill health and provide help on a first aid basis.