We encourage everyone locally to take the free States of Guernsey disability awareness training.

  1. To find out about the disability awareness training go to www.signpost.gg
  2. Start with the introduction module
  3. In Types of Impairment 1 you will learn about; mobility, visual, hearing, hidden and multiple impairments
  4. In Types of Impairment 2 you will learn about learning disability, learning difficulty, autism and dementia
  5. The Practical Advice section provides information on things you can do to assist people with a sight or hearing impairment, mobility impairment, learning disability, mental health issues or an individual with dementia
  6. The Language Section explains why using the correct language to describe disability is important and provides some practical tips about using disability related language in conversation.
  7. The Find Out More About Discrimination module provides information on the situation in Guernsey in preparation for disability discrimination legislation and details of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilitiess (UNCRPD)
  8. At the end of the module you can download your certificate
  9. Create an account and start the training at https://training.disabledgo.com/
  10. Encourage others to take part – share in the office and on social media

The information in this leaflet was provided by the GDA disability groups locally, and Disabled Go

Visit  www.signpost.gg

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