Guernsey Together

Please can you pass on my mother in law, Yvonne’s huge thanks to Deloittes, Sure and Swoffers for their very kind donation of an iPad and free WiFi so that she can keep in touch with her family whilst she is staying at home. It’s so nice for all of us to be able to see her whilst speaking to her on a daily basis.
Here is a very happy Sharon who is our Ward Sister/Governance Lead with the new Ipad that has been very kindly donated to the Les Bourgs Hospice to enable patients to keep in contact with their family. These are difficult times for us all but even more so for patients who are receiving end of life care when they cannot have the direct support and company of their loved ones . This will without doubt make a huge difference to them and we are incredibly grateful to Karen Blatchford and her team for arranging this, Deloitte for their generosity and also Swoffers for the delivery.

Thank you so much for the IPad and Wi-Fi, in the process of setting it up. It will benefit our service users and parents so much over the coming weeks. Will take some photos when up and running and send some through to you.
Once again THANK YOU