Tips on how to make Parking more accessible.
- Is there designated parking provision for disabled motorists?
- Are the designated accessible bays clearly signposted from the car park entrance?
- Are the accessible bays close to the building entrance?
- Do the parking spaces have a minimum of 1.2m transfer space around the front and sides?
- Are designated accessible bays level, smooth, even and free from loose stones?
- Are accessible bays clearly highlighted with a ground-painted symbol and wall or post mounted sign?
- Are routes adequately lit from the parking spaces to the building entrance?
- Is the proportion of designated bays compared to standard bays sufficient?
- Is there a good colour contrast between the road finish and the parking bay?
- Is there kerb free access to the accessible parking spaces?
The information in this leaflet was provided by Access for All

Create Architects partnering with the GDA and Access for All
01481 259333